About Us

- Range of Scar Treatments
- Pigmentation Lasers
- Mole and Skin Tag Removal
- Tattoo Removal
- Hair Restoration Therapies
- Photofacials
- Skin Tightening Treatments
- Full Face Laser Resurfacing
- Botox
- Dermal Fillers
- Facial Imaging and Analysis
- Fractional Resurfacing Laser
- Microblading and permanent eyebrow shaping
- Blue Laser for Acne
Laser Hair Removal
Long Term Laser Hair Reduction is the best treatment in the world to permanently reduce facial and body hair. Newer technologies are safe and virtually painless. More and more experienced and highly trained dermatologists are now switching to the Diode laser, and moving away from the older Nd:YAG and IPL based hair removal devices.
The Diode laser is far more effective, and is safe for use in all skin tones. It has been found to be highly effective in reducing thick hair. It is moderately effective in minimizing fine hair as well. Laser treatments can make your hair thinner, lighter and finer. They reduce the number of hair and the speed of hair re-growth in the treated area.
So by the end of 4-6 treatments on your underarms, you will only have a few stray strands of hair left, which you may have to wax once in 3-6 months, as they do not grow back very quickly. Do check ‘Patient Information Leaflets – Cosmetic’ for further information.

Long Term Laser Hair Reduction is the best treatment in the world to permanently reduce facial and body hair.